Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Yes! An easier way to grab at the outfit you want!

Hipstomp posted an entry on core77 that introduces an everyday item we all use, BUT now it's a lot easier to use. Hipstomp makes an excellent point by saying that most of those everyday items we use aren't messed with too much such as toothbrushes, but this actually caught my attention. This hanger, called the "Hand by Hand" coat hanger by Alfredo Haberli is designed so that there is a handle attached to the hanger so that you can grab at the clothes you want without actually grabbing the clothes. When I go shopping, or even when I'm in my own home it's such a hassle when i grab at the outfit i want and i end up pulling the item off completely. This way you just grab the handle and get the item of clothing that you want. Apparently it's an item that's been out for a while (since 1999) and hasn't caught on. I think it's an item that will continue to go unrecognized, but i gotta say that it's definitely something I want to further look into.


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