Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sharing and Innovation

I found a post on titled, "sick of sharing yet?" by Willem Van Lackner who introduces google's new "BUZZ", which is essentially a replica of what Twitter and facebook already have: status updates. It is a way for those who have gmail acccounts to connect with their contacts via google. There are "likes" and other ways of posting/responding, public/private, and you are able to follow other people who use "Buzz". Also, you can "post updates from twitter" and access Google BUZZ through your mobile device. Lackner argues that all of these internet portals are trying to become more and more like their competitors and are losing their "unique-ness". I agree with what he is's weird to go on facebook and find that they have the new "tag" feature where you're able to tag a friend through your status updates...something twitter came up with. Networking is all well and good, but at this point I feel like every little part of my life is being shared. I feel like it has come to a point where they should just combine all of them together to make one big portal so that i don't have to sign into all of these different portals to find the same...thing. It is becoming a hassle. SOOOO my suggestion is..if you want to be so much like the other company, why not collaborate! Otherwise.... stick to your style. It's what probably brought people in, in the first place. That is all.


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