Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Raising the stakes!

It fascinates me to read up on all of these blogs about how competitive technologies are getting.... has it always been this bad? Maybe I just didn't pay attention before, but every time I go to a design site they're talking about a different company trying to trump the iPad. Are these companies THAT afraid of it? doesn't fascinate me any more than the iPhone did..anyways!

So I read this blog on the about a company that originated at a Media Research lab at New York University called Touchco. Amazon's kindle e-reader has acquired Touchco as a way to upgrade. This is a company that focuses on touch screen technology that "uses a technology called interpolating force-sensitive resistance, which it puts into displays that can be completely transparent and could cost as little as $10 a square foot". According to the article, the touch screens used in the new iPad and the old iPhone are more expensive. Along with the cheaper cost that Touchco provides, their touch screens are able to detect different touch points. (Amazon Said to Buy Touch Start-Up, NICK BILTON and BRAD STONE, February 3, 2010).

Do people actually pay attention to all of this? Steve Jobs is someone we trust with technology nowadays.... so...big deal if the iPad is a little bit more expensive, right? We want what's in!

Competition in the workplace. It never stops.

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