Sunday, February 28, 2010

Keeping track of where your cellular device is!! Goood Stuff.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Crazy Buildings

Staple art!

Source: StumbleUpon

French artist : Baptiste Debombourg
35,000 staples
Title: Air Force One and Air Force Two

Another artist I found using staple art is an artist from Guernsey named Peter Root
"Low-Rise is a precarious assemblage of thousands of free-standing stacks of staples densely tesselated to create a city-like mosiac. Like a city, the staples are subject to the elements, on a micro scale. The slightest breath or vibration and the domino effect kicks in."
Source: StapleArt
-100,000 staples

Some stumble upons...

I was looking through different websites on stumbleupon and i found this very interesting site; the work kind of reminded me of Salvador Dail's paintings

Super Sprayer - The funniest videos are a click away

*Meditative Rose. Salvador Dali. 1958.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"The Body as Braille"

Tv on the Internet

I'm always fascinated with the world of the internet (obviously)...When I talk about new designs it always has a lot to do with the expansion of the internet. I was looking through the new york times technology section and they were talking about HBO GO, which is a new way for HBO subscribers to watch their shows online!

-600 hours of streaming shows
-Movies, Tv Shows, Documentaries

My future job will be found through the Internet

talk about accessing coroflot through core77 and thennn accessing coroflots job posts through twitter. Future help with finding a job? niceeeee

Yes! An easier way to grab at the outfit you want!

Hipstomp posted an entry on core77 that introduces an everyday item we all use, BUT now it's a lot easier to use. Hipstomp makes an excellent point by saying that most of those everyday items we use aren't messed with too much such as toothbrushes, but this actually caught my attention. This hanger, called the "Hand by Hand" coat hanger by Alfredo Haberli is designed so that there is a handle attached to the hanger so that you can grab at the clothes you want without actually grabbing the clothes. When I go shopping, or even when I'm in my own home it's such a hassle when i grab at the outfit i want and i end up pulling the item off completely. This way you just grab the handle and get the item of clothing that you want. Apparently it's an item that's been out for a while (since 1999) and hasn't caught on. I think it's an item that will continue to go unrecognized, but i gotta say that it's definitely something I want to further look into.


A New Way of Traveling Comfortably

On core77 I found yet another new design, but this one seems to apply more to something that I'd be willing to invest in. There is a new design for travel pillows called the Embrace Sleep Collar Travel Pillow. The Embrace Sleep Collar is made with memory foam on the inside layer of the pillow, and high resiliency foam on the outside layer. It weighs less than 3 ounces, and is machine washable. From looking at the image provided from the website, I was able to see (not to mention read up on) about the advantages of its all around support. It keeps your head upright and keeps your head from bobbing. After a long plane ride you won't have a sore neck, which is always a problem I face when I travel. Though the blogger, hipstomp is perfectly content with his inflatable pillow, the problem I have with those is that my head does end up bobbing because it doesn't allow for full support. With the Embrace I can easily see that it will keep my head upright. I think that this would also come in handy for roadtrips. It's extremely annoying when you want to lay down, but you have no where to position your head.

-Internal flex band
-adjustable strap
-cool fabric
-Comes in different colors and designs
-Tim Duncan
VP Product Development
Designs in Progress


Sharing and Innovation

I found a post on titled, "sick of sharing yet?" by Willem Van Lackner who introduces google's new "BUZZ", which is essentially a replica of what Twitter and facebook already have: status updates. It is a way for those who have gmail acccounts to connect with their contacts via google. There are "likes" and other ways of posting/responding, public/private, and you are able to follow other people who use "Buzz". Also, you can "post updates from twitter" and access Google BUZZ through your mobile device. Lackner argues that all of these internet portals are trying to become more and more like their competitors and are losing their "unique-ness". I agree with what he is's weird to go on facebook and find that they have the new "tag" feature where you're able to tag a friend through your status updates...something twitter came up with. Networking is all well and good, but at this point I feel like every little part of my life is being shared. I feel like it has come to a point where they should just combine all of them together to make one big portal so that i don't have to sign into all of these different portals to find the same...thing. It is becoming a hassle. SOOOO my suggestion is..if you want to be so much like the other company, why not collaborate! Otherwise.... stick to your style. It's what probably brought people in, in the first place. That is all.


GMAIL ACCOUNT:<mpl=default<mplcache=2&hl=en

Monday, February 8, 2010

Times Reader 2.0

A new way to read the newspaper:

You've got the internet on your phone, your watch, your laptop, your ipod...but what about your car?

The internet is everywhere! And now, you can access it while you're on the road.

New York Times Blogger on the Ford Sync Service

Official Site:

-Updated Sync Service to the interent: Summer 2010
-Price of Taurus Sho: $37,995
-Julius Marchwicki: Product Manager with FORD, connective services division
-Passengers Cellphone into a gateway to the internet
-Everything is coming from the phone itself via Bluetooth wireless link
-USB Inputs
-Cars that have SYNC services: Lincoln, Mercury, Ford, Kia
-Created with Microsoft
-three screen console
-Reads tweets aloud via OpenBeak, Doesn't have approvable to respond to tweets
-Internet Radio Services: Pandora and Stitcher
-Up and coming services: Audio/temp settings. MyFord Touch
-Buttons are placed on steering wheel
-Ford's sync service was developed by Microsoft, which came out in 2007. In 2007 it made phone calls, GPS
-Ford CEO Alan Mulally
-Presented at Consumer Electronics Show in New York City January 7th

*Traffic, directions, information services provided by IVRIX
*911 Assist
*Voice-activated, hands-free calling
*audible text messages
*advanced calling features including caller ID, call waiting, conference calling, list of contacts, signal strength icon, phone batter charge icon
*Voice activated music
*Instant Voice recognition
*Automatic phonebook transfer
*Multilingual: Spanish, French, and English
*Vehicle Health Report

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The importance of marketing and design

The article,The Value of Design to Startups by Dave McClure, talks about how design and marketing are more significant to startup internet companies than engineering. There are exceptions such as Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Bill Gates who were and are "god-like"....but what he's trying to say here is that if you want to appeal to the audience you must know the principles of design and marketing otherwise you've got a body with no face on it.

Raising the stakes!

It fascinates me to read up on all of these blogs about how competitive technologies are getting.... has it always been this bad? Maybe I just didn't pay attention before, but every time I go to a design site they're talking about a different company trying to trump the iPad. Are these companies THAT afraid of it? doesn't fascinate me any more than the iPhone did..anyways!

So I read this blog on the about a company that originated at a Media Research lab at New York University called Touchco. Amazon's kindle e-reader has acquired Touchco as a way to upgrade. This is a company that focuses on touch screen technology that "uses a technology called interpolating force-sensitive resistance, which it puts into displays that can be completely transparent and could cost as little as $10 a square foot". According to the article, the touch screens used in the new iPad and the old iPhone are more expensive. Along with the cheaper cost that Touchco provides, their touch screens are able to detect different touch points. (Amazon Said to Buy Touch Start-Up, NICK BILTON and BRAD STONE, February 3, 2010).

Do people actually pay attention to all of this? Steve Jobs is someone we trust with technology nowadays.... so...big deal if the iPad is a little bit more expensive, right? We want what's in!

Competition in the workplace. It never stops.

Monday, February 1, 2010

There are not enough hours in the tweet

I stumbled upon an interesting blog by seth godin ( about how much time we waste on these communicative websites such as twitter, facebook, and other forms of "digital networking". It's funny to think about....I mean sometimes we just go on these websites with the intent of just checking whether or not someone has left us a message or not, but then we end up being sucked in to it for a good hour or two. Don't get me wrong, these forms of "digital networking" are certainly a helpful way of getting in touch with people, but he's got a good point about how it is all that is procrastination.

Competition at its best

At this point in time, every American has heard of the new iPad. Some wonder whether or not it will kill PC sales or if it will crush other apple best sellers for that matter. Aside from the fact that the new iPad is convenient, sleek, and just, it comes with its OWN memory chip! Wow. I went to and found an interesting article about the A4 memory chip created by Apple. With most computers, the memory chip inside the computer is created by microprocessor companies alone, but in this case, Apple has specifically designed a memory chip that will work to keep the iPad running up to ten hours with high speed.


I find to be a very interesting design site that houses a lot of ideas even with the simplest of things. I stumbled upon this kinetic ring, which is made from "high quality matte stainless steel" and although it seems like such an ordinary idea, it's still something that I find creative. It proves that with the simplest of things, design and innovation is possible. Anything can be brought to life.

Kinekt Design's Gear Ring from Glen Liberman on Vimeo.