Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We're excited to announce that the long-awaited Betacup Challenge is now accepting entries! The competition has a clear goal: to dramatically reduce (or eliminate) the wastage resulting from unrecyclable paper coffee cups—about 58 billion every year. And, with $20,000 worth of prize money, provided by Starbucks (who intends to serve all their beverages in reusable/recyclable cups by 2015), the Betacup challenge raises the stakes with real incentive and reward.

Toby Daniels, Shaun Abrahamson and Marcel Botha devised the contest not only to address the disposable coffee cup, but also to bring great design minds together to focus sharply on the problem. The challenge is being run through the open innovation platform Jovoto, fostering open critique and dialogue in hopes of developing truly breakthrough concepts.

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