Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sagmeister quotes

"There are many advantages to CD covers as opposed to all other designs," he says. "If we put a lot of our love and affection in the project, it's not going to get thrown away afterward. CD packages and book covers are the only pieces of graphic design that stay in people's houses and become part of the furniture”(Hot designer matches concepts to music, Don Jeffrey, 97).
. "I love to design CD covers because the medium is so great," Sagmeister says enthusiastically. "They're small. You can put a ton of work into them so that the design has a real connection to the contents. They are one of the few forms of packaging that doesn't wind up in the garbage--every-body keeps them. People really appreciate it when the design enhances their experience of listening to the music." Title: Shaking it up
author: Sherr, leslie
Print, 00328510, mar/apr96, vol. 50, issue 2
database: Academic search premier

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