Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I remember the day I realized that my computer—at that time, a Mac Classic—was not only alive, but also earnest and lovely. Granted, it was a bit clumsy, with cherry bombs popping up more often than not, but clumsy like a beagle—great company, unstoppable fun, only please make sure the good crockery is under lock and slip-cover the good couch.

That was not my first time and it was not the last. My home is my personal petting zoo. The street, a Looney Tunes movie where fire hydrants and traffic lights come alive and talk to me. I thank my lucky star for helping me find the right outlet for what could have otherwise become an embarrassing disorder. Instead of ending on TV with Lindsay Lohan as a risible example of pathological hoarder, I have become a highly respected curator of things. Not "stuff," don't you dare. They are always things, or objects.

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